Thursday, May 20, 2010

Successful and Humble

The higher we get in our Successful Journey; the more humble we should be and grateful for our opportunities....
Making success is simply about learning Who We Are and knowing what Success is!

Most of us have seen those people who seem to have all the odds pointing in their favor on their journey to becoming Successful, and yet they seem rather conceited and not at all Successful and Humble.  If they need money to invest in something they believe in; the money is there.  If they need to go into business for themselves; the money is there to do it with.  It just seems that opportunity was born when they were.  They have the advantages of everything they decide they want to do.  These are the people that sometimes make us sit back and wonder what we have done wrong in our life and why we are not as blessed as they are. It is only natural and human to have these thoughts, occasionally.  These same people sometimes appear not to be as sympathetic to those who are not as blessed and seem to think they are a little better than the rest.  They wear the finest clothing, have the best house and drive the best cars.  They seem to think that things define who they are.

The simple truth is that having things without a challenge does not necessarily mean that a person is Successful. It is also true if you can't be humble with your blessings; then you are truly not Successful to begin with.

There is nothing wrong with being in an environment which gives you what you need, when you need it; if you know how to handle it.  Some people do and some people seem to think that just because their name is "Fred", whatever they want should be supplied instantly.  These people need some lessons on life.  They obviously have not had to want for anything and do not understand that most things in life must be worked for, and that sometimes we do not get everything we want.

Being Successful and Humble at the same time means that one is actually worthy of their Success.  It means that they know, it takes hard work and sacrifice just to make life livable for the average person.  They know that being thankful for extra blessing is the key to having more blessings.  These people have also learned that even "Sunshine burns if you get too much".  They know that God loves everyone the same and if they are fortunate enough to have life a little easier than someone else, they are truly blessed and should they have the opportunity to share their blessings;  it truly means they are Successful and Humble.


Marc Dupont said...

Being successful and humble should come hand in hand - and least when success was based on acquiring more knowledge.

By learning more, one learns that there's still a lot he doesn't know. He therefore becomes humble.
Also, people can be arrogant in order to compensate a feeling of failure ("my ego is already destroyed by the fact that I see myself as being a failure, so acknowledging that others may be better than me at something would be too much for my self to handle"). Success can elevate that need for arrogance.

Justin said...

Very interesting post, thank you for sharing these great thoughts. i believe anyone can change is way of life and future if he wants and make some choices and efforts.

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Sunny James said...

I was 38 years old when I started going after my dream & I love the fact that I finally gave myself permission to live my dreams
thanks for sharing such good info
this is the type of stuff that helps me get thru the day

Tampa movers said...

Good point(s). A humble attitude is important both for a person's psychological well-being and for his continued success - being able to admit that he doesn't know everything will enable him to learn more and keep moving forward.

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Really wonderful piece of information and I appreciate it that you share something so useful with the readers of this blog.

Mesothlelioma Symptoms said...

I am constantly amazed at how quickly people forget the help and assistance they got from other people in their reach for the top.

Always appreciate the people whom you rely on to make things function.

Los Angeles DUI lawyer said...

Thanks for the very wonderful article of yours. It truly reminds us that even if we had reached the highest peak of success, it's good if we still remain our feet on the ground. Being humble will definitely lead us to a more successful and wonderful life worth to be shared and appreciated. Thanks anyway for posting. I enjoy reading.

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Lovely and interesting!! It is wonderful that we are on the top we have a lot of time to take back and to see the past even in in our hard time. Articles of yours give fresh and whole learning that every one can manage their time to take time to see and to put their self in a nice way to remain as what they are.Thanks!

Eileen said...

This is a wonderful article, I really enjoyed reading this! It is true being humble is definitely the way to live and to be a good role model for others.

Auto Accident Attorneys Utah said...

Pride goeth before a fall. The fall teaches us humility, enabling us to reach higher levels of success.

kansas city movers said...

The sky is definitely the limit!

weekend breaks said...

humility is a truly admirable quality and one that is sadly lacking in many

manifesting abundance said...

I just LOVE reading about SUCCESS!

Love, Kelvin from
manifesting abundance

Jason said...

Excellent article...this is advice that a lot of people could use. It seems with some people any ounce of success they achieve goes straight to their head

Charter A Jet said...

Very insightful article. I always find it amazing how much more you can achieve with a positive attitude.

Thanks for writing.

lcd graphic said...

Nice post! I admire those person whom really believe them selves no matter how long journey is. I do agree that this is the only reason, face what challenges may take you and prove that you face it. Thanks!

bobby jones said...

Success and humble, this are the tough words that may think. I inspired what your article mean. Fact that we need obstacle before we meet success. They might be in every where if we were selves do it and take it. Thanks!

Linda said...

Well, it is better late than never and boy am I glad to see these comments. That means that my work is not in vain...huh.

Thanks for all of these wonderful comments...please come back!

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Linda said...

Everybody, thank you. Thank you for coming here to read and comment I appreciate it so much.

Linda said...

Soleil, thank you for reading my blog, I appreciate it so much. Come back again.

Nickey said...

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Linda said...

Nickey, I appreciate the kind comments and thank you for stopping by to read. I appreciate it.

Thank you again.

Eugene said...

A very comprehensive article with great and valuable pointers here that I had never known of. Thanks for passing on this info.

Linda said...

Eugene; thanks for coming here to read and comment. I appreciate you stopping by to read and comment and glad you found it useful.