Sunday, November 29, 2009


See the butterfly, isn't it beautiful and without a doubt it is Successful-Success from it's creator. We humans sometimes seem to create situations in our life that have nothing to do with success and especially successful-success.

 Success is not measured with things, like so many people perfer to believe.  Successful - Success is about acquiring the necessarily traits within our character which will lead us to a life of true success.  As we talked about earlier, money, a big house, 5 cars....things, does not make you, the person you are. Who we are within and what we share with others is really what true Successful-Success is. It does not necssarily mean money.  If you can make one person today feel good about themselves; you are sharing and giving something of more value than money.  I have seen people who had money, but they not only would not share it, they did not spend it either. It is as though they are afraid to enjoy what God has given them and are they considered "happy" people?  I'm not so sure.  If you don't enjoy your life and what you have, how can it be Successful-Success and worth having.  In achieving Successful-Success, we have to make sure that we do not leave something or someone out that is important to our well being.  It happens all the time, we get caught up in our efforts to have more of whatever we feel is important and we forget what is "really" important. 

I want to be successful again, in something new, and learn something beneficial to me but what I do not want to do, is forget who I am.  Yes, I want to make more money, fix a few things that need fixing, and have somewhat of a better life, but I also want it for others.  It is not just about me.   I have a long way to go, myself, but I am working on me....and I know that if I am Successful in Part 2, it will not be all about the money.  It will be about the hard work, long hours and learning to do things the way it is most productive.  I also know that I have to do this myself but on the note, I will need the help of others.  I know that I can do a better job by someone helping me, than I could do alone and vice versa.

Successful-Success is about nurturing our Character that Shines in a way that will lead us to a greater since of who we are, what we need in our life and when to know when we have it and when we have enough.  That is yet another story.

When we crawl the ladder of success, we must be careful that we do not step on anyone to get to the top and we certainly should let others help us and in doing so, we help ourselves.  Giving glory where glory is due and giving ourself true Successful-Success by knowing that who we are is far, far more important than what we have.

Successful Success,Unfinished Business, Success not things

Friday, November 27, 2009

Successful-Choosing the Positive

You might think that after 30 years learning something so detailed as mortgage lending, why would I want to begin Successful-Part 2 and put my mind through learning how to make links and all the other good stuff that is needed to succeed in this market.  Making links are different and you get one little letter wrong and your blog does not exist.  That only causes me grief, but if I made one little mistake in approving a loan that was lacking the capacity to repay the debt....a Bank or Mortgage Company can loose thousands and thousands....and we know how much the bail-out has been and no I did not approve the bad loans.  In fact I did a lot of other things besides approve loans and all of it was detailed and had maticulous guidelines and changes everyday.  Guidelines for many products and outlines for each type of a possible borrower.  Credit review with guidelines, property review with guidelines, financial position with guidelines, income analyazation with name it and we had to analyze it and meet the guidelines.  So you see, this is just another challenge and I know there is so much to learn and I will take it one day at a time, just as I have done before in this new endeavor for Successful-Part 2-Choosing the positive.

Challenges are a big part of being Successful-Choosing the positive.  If we do not meet with any challenges, then we are standing still and probably doing nothing.  In all of my life's work, there have been many challenges, some good some not so good.  Did I learn anything, you bet.  A lot of times, in our endeavors we are looking for the easy way, not the most productive way.  You see, I have experienced some challenges with links and choosing and loosing my content already, but I have learned somethings of value and that is just part of it.  There is no need for me to quit because I have had to re-do and change...some stuff.  When comtemplating Successful-Choosing the Positive, you do not think about quiting anyway.

Choosing the positive of anything is looking in the mirror and saying to yourself that this may be my biggest challenge.  I know that I am older, I do not live in the city, I do not have that many friends to support me and I have had some discouraging words said already, but you know what;  this is not about anybody but me.  This is something I want to do for myself and I choose to look at the positive and change my financial status, now, tomorrow, next month, in a few more months...but I have decided that this is not something unattainable or not worth reaching for, so I choose to reach for Successful-Part 2 and Choosing the Positive as I progress.

You may have more choices than I do for that matter and you might be a person who is thinking about changing jobs within your profession and may decide to stay put.  I can't do that, that decision was made for me when the mortgage industry went kerplunk (for the most part).  I could no longer afford 2 houses and did not want to sell my home in the Country because my Father bought it with blood, sweat and tears (for cash).  Do not get me wrong, there are still a lot of great Banks and Mortgage Professional out there and there will always be, but they are not where I have to live at this point in my life. Successful-Choosing the Positive where you are, might be good for someone like you who is afraid to make changes and you might just be as well off to keep at it where you are.  Sometimes we get in a rut where we are and think the grass is greener somewhere else.  I have been there and done that and it was a mistake or either a lesson that I had to learn. Believe me, if we change our thoughts, we can change our life;  the book that Dr. Wayne Dyer has written. 

I am not suggesting that anyone and especially someone close to retirement do what I am doing but what I do have to say, is that it is never too late to make drastic changes in your life if you feel good about it and it is not the worst thing that can happen to you, if you have to make a change.  A lot of people have lost their jobs, but keep heart and believe that God certainly does not single out anyone, these are just some of the negative things that happen and when they happen it can be at the worst possible moments.  Things will get better, you will survive, keep being good to other people and please look at the positive.

 I do not feel older, in fact I am in grand health, I am a positive thinker and I believe in choosing the positive in my life.  Yes, I do have a disability, not one you can see or notice immediately.  If you were to meet me and talk to me for a few minutes, you might not even know it.  If you talk to me for sometime you would realize that I have a problem understanding some words that people speak; that I have a hearing difficulty, a tone deafness. I have lost lots of my hearing.  I will give you more detail on this latter.  This is not from old age, I developed this in my 20's.  I never let it slow me down and it has not been easy... another subject on Choosing the Positive, regardless.  You get enough negative without even thinking about it, so if you dwell on the good things in life,  Successful-Choosing the Positive is a piece of cake!!!

Obstacles,No Limitations,Ability

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Successful-Part 2-No Age Limit

I think I said I was going to blow your socks here goes....I just had my birthday and let's just say I am past the fifty-five mark by a few and here I am talking about finding a Successful-part 2 of my life.  Yea, I know what you are thinking and I know what a lot of people think and I know that a lot of companies want the young, beautiful and stacked, they say they don't, but if you walk around the can kind of tell.   Well, I am what you would call, the middle aged, not bad for my age, round....but at any rate, I am not finished. I'm not dumb and it will take a letter from God to make me quit.  You see I have some unfinished business I need to get done and I am one of those who feels to stay young, you keep your mind young; you keep learning and you should never quit learning.  If you have been reading what I have, then you know that the new statistics indicate that 60 is the new 40, anyway!  After all, if Hillary Clinton can be Secretary of State (her birthday is 3 days before mine, same year), I think I can sit at this laptop and make some post, articles, some links and whatever it take to accomplish getting the success I know is reachable.  If you read my first post, successful part 2,you will see that I am just too stubborn to give up and I am headed for Successful-Part2....and intend to finish what I have begun.

Seriously, and I am just that, very serious about the Internet Marketing.  Yes, it took me awhile to get started and I had to work at believing that it was real and that it could turn into a substantial income.  Now if you are lazy, forget it, I have been doing this for 2 months now and it is not a lazy persons job.  It is not for someone to get rich over night and that was what attracted me to it.  If they say you will get rich in a month....that is just not the truth either.  It takes awhile and I am still in the while part but one of these days I am going to wake up and look at the Monetize tab and I am going to show all of the skeptics....they don't know everything.  I have faith in myself and I have never been lazy. 

I have a lot to learn yet.  As you will see I don't exactly how they want the Privacy Policy or how to do it differently than making a post.  Really, I haven't taken the time to ask in the help forum or ask anyone else...I keep busy writing post and articles and waiting to get enough links to be noticed.  I have learned so very much and man I am so excited and yes, I have a point to prove.  When I start making the cash flow, I am going to give someone the permission to let it all out about how it can be done at any age, this Successful-Part 2-No Age Limit that we are talking about.

There is no age limit for success.  There is no obstacle unless you let there be one.  Determination is key, it is essential in anything we are trying to master...Yes, I know that some people have more limitations than others, but I do not place limitations on myself, so therefore, I believe that if I trust myself and my ability, I can make this work for me.  Am I a pro at writing, certainly not...can I learn something new?  Everyday, and I mean everday and that just thrills me to death....I'll just bet the President is learning something new everyday, don't you think so?

Since I have made a good income for most of the last 25 years, I feel that if I apply the skills of hard work, dedication and perseverance, it will not be long before I reap the benefits of my strong desire to succeed.  Successful -Part 2, I feel is going to be even better than my success in Part 1 of my career.  You know how it is when you just know that something is right.  Even when you see others have their doubts, it does not discourage you at all, there is a knowing that this is right.  Right for me...I do not want to get up anymore at 5 in the morning and go to an office and have to deal with women who aren't happy with themselves and gripe all day or critize someone else to make themself feel good....if that is for you...keep at it.  I have decided that I want this change and I know that in the end, I am going to be glad that I still have a desire for success in Successful-Part 2- where there is no age limit....

Life's work,Discouraging Words, Success not things

Successful-Part 2

Success Story

There is a story for me to tell behind this title, Successful-Part 2 and I am about to tell anyone who wants to read it and hopefully, it means you.  You might find it interesting because it is not about the rich kid from main street with a college degree. It is about a small town high school graduate, who left the small town and found success.  Maybe not in the sense of what some call success, because I am not rich (with money)even now and I don't live in the biggest house in this little town. What I do possess is a strong sense of  "I" believe that "I" can do most anything "I" put my mind to with a lot of hard work and dedication.  I come from a hard working, middle class family who did not have lots of money but who have faith in God and His blessing and we have had our share of those "God's Blessings".  In this blog Successful-Part 2 I hope you will see how anyone, from anywhere can find a way to feel success, at any stage in their life.

 Anyone who believes that being successful means you have to be a certain age, from a certain family, attend a certain school and live in a certain place; should definitely read this and learn something about determination, hard work and applying oneself to whatever the situtation calls for.  Oh, and I think that everyone, no matter how successful you are, or think you are, should know that success is not just about making money or should I say, having it? 

Success or being successful is about many things and some of it has nothing to do with money or making it but it is essential to life so therefore it is a part of it and we can talk about it because it is so important to making our life more comfortable. We can make load of money but if we do not have a plan and stick to that life plan, we can go broke.  Right?  Sure it is right. 

I am starting on Successful-Part 2 and let me tell you why.  Successful-Part 1 was a whirlwind.  When I left this small town, moved to the city, I doubled the salary I was making.  When I made that move, I left behind some skeptical friends and family but I made the move anyway and from there on, it was mostly good things that happened, until.  I will get back to the until a little later.  I learned, worked hard and worked hard some more and had the desire to become successful, except I did not even realize I was seeking success at the time, I was just seeking to know more, do more and of course, make more money. Even though I am a millionaire now, I feel that Part 1 of my career was successful in most ways. Did I make any mistakes along the way?  Yes, quite a few and in the end, would I do anything over, probably so but as we know we are not allowed a second chance, we must do it right the first time.   At any rate I am on my Successful -Part 2 campaign, right now and I will explain as I go. 

Education is one of the most important parts of life that any young person can do for themselves today.  It will give you opportunities that you cannot get without it and that is the bottom line. "The BIG BUT" ....If you do not have a higher education, it does not mean that you cannot be successful, it can just means that it may be a little harder for you.  I am your prime example. I just happened to hit is lucky and was not afraid to move, change or do whatever the situation called for to get a little higher in rank....if you will.  I just kept at it.   I have been in the mortgage industry for 30+ years.  I worked my way up from the bottom to management and when I say worked, I mean worked, long hours, studied, took courses and you name it.  I became a mortgage loan underwriter with FHA/VA endorsements as well as Conventional loan approval status.  I worked hard, I made above the average income for the Nation and I can say that I enjoyed it and was successful for that time. Before the crash; I think you know the "crash" I am talking about, (the one that they call the Bank "bailouts" or "payouts") I could get a job almost anywhere. I worked in several areas of the business and I got to travel to many cities within the US and I learned so much about people as well as my profession and now you know why I am starting on Succuessful-Part 2, without a doubt. 

Since this "crash", everything has changed, medium size Banks have sold to larger ones and larger one move the home office to some place else and what do you know, you don't have a least that is where I worked and lived.  Since I have a home in the Country, I have moved and have had to settled for much less in a career. There are no mortgage jobs in this little town, the "good" jobs are for those who completed a 4 year degree (most of them).  Teacher, Nurse, Doctor, Lawyer and the like.  It doesn't matter that I have worked every job in an office situation and made more money at times in my career than some (a lot of ) 4 year degree graduates, I don't have a degree.  So, in saying that I have started on my Successful- Part 2 strategy.

I have not given all the details about my career because remember it was 30 years of it and I will get to some more stuff about success later.  I have started on Successful-Part 2 because, I am not old enough to retire yet, that is my opinion...I believe that it is good to learn new things at whatever stage in your life and I'll dare anyone to tell me that I can't make any money with Internet Marketing. Well, you don't know me. Also if you are interested in Successful-Part 2 of your life. I will give you some more information that I have run upon later.

If you are shaking your heard right now, okay fine, but if you want to hear more about Successful-Part 1 and follow me on the road to Successful-Part 2, hang on, it is real and it is something that I feel in my gut and I am going to finish what I started... A great part of this is knowing your weaknesses and your strenghts and working hard to change your weaknesses.

"Never under-estimate the importance of a curious mind and a soul that is just not willing to give up". 
Quoted by LT.

Successful-Part2,Successful Success,
No age Limit,Choosing the positive,Success-Strategy