Sunday, November 29, 2009


See the butterfly, isn't it beautiful and without a doubt it is Successful-Success from it's creator. We humans sometimes seem to create situations in our life that have nothing to do with success and especially successful-success.

 Success is not measured with things, like so many people perfer to believe.  Successful - Success is about acquiring the necessarily traits within our character which will lead us to a life of true success.  As we talked about earlier, money, a big house, 5 cars....things, does not make you, the person you are. Who we are within and what we share with others is really what true Successful-Success is. It does not necssarily mean money.  If you can make one person today feel good about themselves; you are sharing and giving something of more value than money.  I have seen people who had money, but they not only would not share it, they did not spend it either. It is as though they are afraid to enjoy what God has given them and are they considered "happy" people?  I'm not so sure.  If you don't enjoy your life and what you have, how can it be Successful-Success and worth having.  In achieving Successful-Success, we have to make sure that we do not leave something or someone out that is important to our well being.  It happens all the time, we get caught up in our efforts to have more of whatever we feel is important and we forget what is "really" important. 

I want to be successful again, in something new, and learn something beneficial to me but what I do not want to do, is forget who I am.  Yes, I want to make more money, fix a few things that need fixing, and have somewhat of a better life, but I also want it for others.  It is not just about me.   I have a long way to go, myself, but I am working on me....and I know that if I am Successful in Part 2, it will not be all about the money.  It will be about the hard work, long hours and learning to do things the way it is most productive.  I also know that I have to do this myself but on the note, I will need the help of others.  I know that I can do a better job by someone helping me, than I could do alone and vice versa.

Successful-Success is about nurturing our Character that Shines in a way that will lead us to a greater since of who we are, what we need in our life and when to know when we have it and when we have enough.  That is yet another story.

When we crawl the ladder of success, we must be careful that we do not step on anyone to get to the top and we certainly should let others help us and in doing so, we help ourselves.  Giving glory where glory is due and giving ourself true Successful-Success by knowing that who we are is far, far more important than what we have.

Successful Success,Unfinished Business, Success not things

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