Thursday, November 26, 2009

Successful-Part 2-No Age Limit

I think I said I was going to blow your socks here goes....I just had my birthday and let's just say I am past the fifty-five mark by a few and here I am talking about finding a Successful-part 2 of my life.  Yea, I know what you are thinking and I know what a lot of people think and I know that a lot of companies want the young, beautiful and stacked, they say they don't, but if you walk around the can kind of tell.   Well, I am what you would call, the middle aged, not bad for my age, round....but at any rate, I am not finished. I'm not dumb and it will take a letter from God to make me quit.  You see I have some unfinished business I need to get done and I am one of those who feels to stay young, you keep your mind young; you keep learning and you should never quit learning.  If you have been reading what I have, then you know that the new statistics indicate that 60 is the new 40, anyway!  After all, if Hillary Clinton can be Secretary of State (her birthday is 3 days before mine, same year), I think I can sit at this laptop and make some post, articles, some links and whatever it take to accomplish getting the success I know is reachable.  If you read my first post, successful part 2,you will see that I am just too stubborn to give up and I am headed for Successful-Part2....and intend to finish what I have begun.

Seriously, and I am just that, very serious about the Internet Marketing.  Yes, it took me awhile to get started and I had to work at believing that it was real and that it could turn into a substantial income.  Now if you are lazy, forget it, I have been doing this for 2 months now and it is not a lazy persons job.  It is not for someone to get rich over night and that was what attracted me to it.  If they say you will get rich in a month....that is just not the truth either.  It takes awhile and I am still in the while part but one of these days I am going to wake up and look at the Monetize tab and I am going to show all of the skeptics....they don't know everything.  I have faith in myself and I have never been lazy. 

I have a lot to learn yet.  As you will see I don't exactly how they want the Privacy Policy or how to do it differently than making a post.  Really, I haven't taken the time to ask in the help forum or ask anyone else...I keep busy writing post and articles and waiting to get enough links to be noticed.  I have learned so very much and man I am so excited and yes, I have a point to prove.  When I start making the cash flow, I am going to give someone the permission to let it all out about how it can be done at any age, this Successful-Part 2-No Age Limit that we are talking about.

There is no age limit for success.  There is no obstacle unless you let there be one.  Determination is key, it is essential in anything we are trying to master...Yes, I know that some people have more limitations than others, but I do not place limitations on myself, so therefore, I believe that if I trust myself and my ability, I can make this work for me.  Am I a pro at writing, certainly not...can I learn something new?  Everyday, and I mean everday and that just thrills me to death....I'll just bet the President is learning something new everyday, don't you think so?

Since I have made a good income for most of the last 25 years, I feel that if I apply the skills of hard work, dedication and perseverance, it will not be long before I reap the benefits of my strong desire to succeed.  Successful -Part 2, I feel is going to be even better than my success in Part 1 of my career.  You know how it is when you just know that something is right.  Even when you see others have their doubts, it does not discourage you at all, there is a knowing that this is right.  Right for me...I do not want to get up anymore at 5 in the morning and go to an office and have to deal with women who aren't happy with themselves and gripe all day or critize someone else to make themself feel good....if that is for you...keep at it.  I have decided that I want this change and I know that in the end, I am going to be glad that I still have a desire for success in Successful-Part 2- where there is no age limit....

Life's work,Discouraging Words, Success not things

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